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Document sustainable commitment for facilities of the textile suupply chain.
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STeP stands for “Sustainable Textile Production”. It is an independent certification system that lets companies along the textile chain clearly demonstrate their commitment to sustainable production conditions through a neutral source. With STeP certification, you can lay the foundations for the permanent implementation and continuous improvement of sustainable production and working conditions in production facilities throughout your supply chain. Its modular structure allows for a comprehensive analysis and assessment of compliance with sustainability criteria in all the relevant areas of a company.

Term of validity

The STeP certificate issued after a production facility has been successfully audited is valid for three years and this period can be extended for an additional three years following successful re-certification. If problems are identified during the compliance audit or at any other point,  OEKO-TEX® STeP certificate may also be revoked under certain special circumstances.

Target group

STeP certification is open to every production facility along the textile and leather supply chains who want to analyse and evaluate their production and working conditions.

Six modulars

The six modules in STeP by OEKO-TEX® certification allow for a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of all the necessary company modules in terms of sustainable manufacturing conditions. These include:

Chemical management

Environmental performance

Environmental management

Occupational health and safety

Social responsibility

Social responsibility Quality management

The goal of STeP

The aim of STeP certification is to permanently establish environmentally friendly production processes, improve work safety and promote socially acceptable working conditions in production facilities throughout the entire textile supply chain. Certified companies can continuously improve on their environmental performance, social responsibility and efficiency thanks to the regular updates of the STeP criteria. That in turn gives them the optimum competitive position.

OEKO-TEX® Impact Calculator

The apparel sector is a key contributor to global emissions. In addition, water risk is growing and today the apparel sector is underperforming on measuring and monitoring water impact. At the same time, consumers and brands alike are increasingly selecting products and companies that demonstrate action and make commitments on key environmental topics like water usage and climate change.

The new OEKO-TEX® Impact Calculator provides STeP by OEKO-TEX® certified production facilities a transparent methodology and data models to help them quantify their carbon and water impacts.

The Screening Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool’s output gives facilities the opportunity to measure and report their carbon emissions and water usage impact – at the facility level, by processing step or for 1 kg of material. This enables facilities to identify the biggest opportunities for carbon emission and water reductions - whether to change materials purchased or improve operations.

Benifits of Carbon and Water Footprinting

Understand: production-related carbon emissions and water usage at factory, process step, and per kg of product levels

Identify: which processes have highest environmental impacts

Act: to reduce carbon and water usage in the future

Report: results and reduction measures to brands


What methodology is used in the Impact Calculator?

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a framework used to analyze of the potential environmental impacts of products or services during their entire life cycle; it covers five stages: raw material extraction, manufacturing & processing, transportation, usage & retail, and waste disposal; it includes different types: Product LCA, Comparative LCA and Corporate LCA, etc. Many LCA standards have been developed typically based on the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards.

OEKO-TEX® chose the Screening Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach to develop the tool which required a customized approach to calculate carbon emissions and water footprints addressing the specific needs and processes of textile production facilities. We applied elements from the Product LCA to measure the impacts at the material output level, and the Corporate LCA to measure the impacts at the overall facility level. Therefore it provides sufficient initial and credible insight into where a facility’s biggest carbon emissions and water impacts occur across its processing steps and for the types of fibres used.

We incorporated recognized international databases and recommended standards:

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol recommends the IPCC 2013 100a approach for calculating carbon emissions (Co2-eq).

The EU Commission recommends the AWARE methodology to measure the water impacts (m3).

Once a facility has input its data into the tool, the totals are allocated across the production processes and multiplied by relevant data from ecoinvent v.3.5 and the World Apparel and Footwear Database (WALDB) databases. The WALDB is internationally recognized and developed by Quantis(a leading sustainability consultancy) in collaboration with many textile companies.

Certification process

The applicant completes the online application form on the OEKO-TEX® website. Please select Hohenstein in the provided field where you can select the laboratory you would like to work with.

The applicant completes the online questionnaire and provides all necessary evidence in the system where needed.

Analysis by Hohenstein
We evaluate all information and data submitted by the applicant.

On-site audit
Our STeP auditor verifies the applicant's data on-site in the relevant production facilities.

Our STeP auditor creates a detailed report and informs the applicant about necessary corrective measures.

Issue of certificate
We issue the final report and the STeP certificate for you.

Specific benefits

●  As a globally active brand or retail company, you can use STeP to search for suitable suppliers that meet your requirements for environmental protection and social responsibility.

●  As a brand or retailer, you can clearly and comprehensively document all your efforts in the area of sustainability for both the consumer and your supply chain.

●  STeP certification is specially tailored to conditions in the textile and clothing industry. As a textile and clothing manufacturer, you can make your production processes much more efficient on the basis of a STeP certification.

●  Independent verification allows you to publicly demonstrate your commitment to sustainable production conditions, enter new markets and establish new supplier relationships.

●  Unlike other certifications, STeP allows you to comprehensively analyze and evaluate your facilities in terms of sustainable production conditions.

Q & A

  • What distinguishes STeP from other certifications for sustainable production conditions?

    Independence: Hohenstein is a a founding member of OEKO-TEX®, an internationally recognized, independent association and an accredited, independent testing laboratory and inspection body. With  OEKO-TEX® STeP, we offer a standardized worldwide solution for greater sustainability throughout the entire textile industry.

    Textile: Unlike other systems, STeP certification is specifically tailored to the conditions of the textile industry and therefore offers a well founded evaluation of sustainable production conditions. Thanks to our deep knowledge of every stage of distribution, Hohenstein is the OEKO-TEX® representative with the expertise required to provide a realistic evaluation of a company.

    Transparency: STeP offers the greatest possible transparency for all stakeholders at every level: all the criteria and validation procedures are freely accessible. Certified companies have unlimited access to their data and the details of their evaluation. The evaluation system provides a condensed but comprehensive picture of sustainability performance for manufacturers, brands, retailers and even end consumers.

    Holistic approach: We analyze every relevant area of a production facility taking the various individual components of the STeP certification into account.

    Dynamism: The ongoing improvement process for certified companies is supported by the continuous further development of the STeP certification criteria. This helps to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable working and production conditions in the textile sector.

    Communication: Using the STeP certificate as a basis, STeP certification offers a trustworthy and comprehensive method of communicating with the customer and the media. The internationally recognized OEKO-TEX® brand strengthens the image of active participating companies.

  • What audits are performed as part of STeP certification?

    After the initial certification audit, both a compliance audit and unannounced audits of the company take place during the certificate validity period. As the responsible OEKO-TEX® institute, we verify compliance with the necessary criteria on site at the production facilities and analyze progress.

  • What are the minimum requirements for STeP certification?

    Chemical management

    • The introduction of a suitable chemical management system

    • Compliance with the specifications of a Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL)

    • Regular basic and advanced training on handling the chemicals used

    • Transparent communication and control of the chemicals used and their associated risks

    • Monitoring of chemical usage, the procurement of chemicals and auxiliary agents and their storage and application

    Environmental performance

    • Compliance with the stipulated limit values (wastewater, emissions, etc.)

    • The use of production systems and equipment that meet the latest standards of technology

    • Efficient use of resources

    • Reduction of the carbon footprint

    Environmental management

    • Implementation of existing environmental management systems for the systematic coordination and implementation of all environmental protection measures

    • Definition of environmental objectives

    • Regular creation of environmental reports

    Social responsibility

    • Ensuring socially acceptable working conditions in line with UN human rights conventions and ILO core labor standards

    • Implementing management systems for continuously improving working conditions

    • Complying with strict requirement for working hours, wages, and so on

    • Involving local stakeholders

    Quality management

    • Implementation of a QM system, for instance, in line with ISO 9001 or other operational methods

    • Guaranteed traceability, responsibility, and appropriate documentation regarding the flow of goods and manufactured products

    • Further-reaching management issues such as risk management and corporate governance, including anti-corruption and company codes of conduct

    Occupational health and safety

    • Implementation of recognized safety standards (for example, based on OHSAS 18001)

    • Measures for ensuring safety at the workplace and personal protective equipment

    • Ensuring the safety of buildings and production plants (e.g. through construction measures, escape plans, separation of production areas, etc.)

  • How DETOX TO ZERO intergrate into STeP?

    The DETOX TO ZERO system is fully integrated into the OEKO-TEX® system. DETOX TO ZERO operates through the same software as  OEKO-TEX® STeP, which allows you to enter operating data easily and efficiently and monitor progress continuously. DETOX can also be integrated into the STeP certificate.

    • DETOX TO ZERO is a mandatory requirement for STeP customers with wet processes.

    • STeP customers with wet processes need to provide a detailed wastewater report.

    • Third-party wastewater test reports of institutes accredited according to ISO 17025 are accepted.

    • Limit values for certain substances and general requirements must be met.

  • Are the STeP criteria the same throughout the world?

    Yes. Due to the global interconnectedness of the textile and clothing industry, only binding worldwide criteria make sense when it comes to an objective comparison of sustainable production conditions.

  • OEKO-TEX® STeP_Standard_2024

  • OEKO-TEX® STeP_Factsheet

  • OEKO-TEX® STeP_Brochure_2B


  • OEKO-TEX® Committed to Solutions

  • OEKO-TEX® Labelling_Guide_2023

  • Factsheet_Wastewater Analysis

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