MyOEKO-TEX® functions for supply chain management
Suppliers & Requests
View and evaluate your direct and indirect suppliers
Add new suppliers and communicate directly with your existing suppliers via the customer portal
Use a range of filters for the visual display of your suppliers and supplier relationships, to get a precise overview of your entire value creation chain
Manage an overview of your existing OEKO-TEX® certificates to receive automatic notifications before the validity expires, for example
This area of the customer portal provides you with a large amount of statistical data, which you can use to evaluate your supply chain with regard to sustainable factors:
You evaluate supplier operations with specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and in accordance with individual sustainability modules from the OEKO-TEX® STeP certification.
You compare suppliers with one another, and against various benchmarks (region/country, production stage, overall performance or performance in individual modules from the STeP certification).
You define sustainability objectives for your supply chain, which you can monitor and evaluate.
You set a weighting for the aspects of your sustainability strategy that are particularly important (e.g. individual modules from the STeP certification, specific production steps or direct/indirect suppliers).
The evaluation of the sustainability performance of your supply chain allows you to recognise and exclude risks at an early stage.