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Your reliable third-party certification system for textile products made from organic cotton or blends with organic cotton
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OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON is a globally uniform, independent testing and certification system for textile raw, intermediate and end products of all processing stages, as well as accessory materials.

Target group

Raw cotton producers

Any manufacturer or reseller of textile materials, finished goods or accessories - from any stage of processing - throughout the textile chain


An ORGANIC COTTON certificate is valid for one year and can be renewed up to three months before it expires.

Testing and certification

Supply chain traceability to the field (cultivation)
Genetically modified cotton (qualitative and quantitative) and numerous pesticides to prevent mixing with conventional cotton
Testing for harmful substances:
●   Legally prohibited and regulated substances
●   Chemicals whose harmful effects are known but not legally regulated
●   Substances for which a harmful effect is likely

How can ORGANIC COTTON support you?

Certification of your products in line with OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON provides a number of useful aspects that facilitate your operational quality assurance as well as communication towards stakeholders along your supply chain and consumers:

●  A detailed report and a certificate as proof of the successful inspection of your textile products for harmful substances and their origin in organic farming.
●  Transaction certificates to maintain supply chain traceability.
●  A label to communicate the safety of your product to consumers and your business partners and to set yourself apart from the competition at the point of sale.
●  Cost savings through the OEKO-TEX® modular system - certificates for input materials are recognised at subsequent production stages, limiting the need for re-testing.
●  Free listing of your certified product range and company in the OEKO-TEX® Buying Guide

Criteria / Requirements

Certification process

●  Application: Please complete the application form and send it to us.
●   Sample material & documents: Together with the completed application form, we need your representative sample materials for testing and relevant proof documents from you.
●  Analytical testing & checking of documents: We test your sample material in our labs. At the same time, we verify the provided documents.
●  On-site audit: During an on-site audit at your premises, our OEKO-TEX® experts will confirm all certification details. Ideally, the audit will take place while the laboratory tests are being carried out, but in any case before the certificate is issued.
●  Issue of certificate & label: If your sample materials and provided documents meet the stipulated criteria, you will receive a detailed report from us, and we will issue the ORGANIC COTTON certificate and label for you.

Specific benefits

●  Reassurance of the promised quality of your products with the independent ORGANIC COTTON label

●  Tracking of material usage: from input control to output control

●  Third-party proven cultivation of organically produced raw materials

●  Valuable contribution to environmentally friendly and socially responsible manufacturing of textiles

●  Transparent documentation of your product claims by means of an easy-to-understand label

  • OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON_Standard_2024

  • OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON_Application_2024



  • OEKO-TEX® Labelling_Guide_2023

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