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Environmental protection without any detours.

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Your sustainability deserves a strong partner.

Market research shows that: Today, sustainability is already, and will increasingly be, a decisive argument in the competition in the future. Get a wealth of added value for your business with globally recognised certifications of your environmental performance. With Hohenstein, you benefit from an internationally recognised partner who accompanies you through the entire process.

Sustainability with OEKO-TEX® STeP.

With the OEKO-TEX® STeP certification you create the foundations for a permanent implementation and continuous optimisation of sustainable production and working conditions in your production facilities along the textile chain.

The holistic OEKO-TEX® STeP certification includes, among other modules such as chemicals and quality management or socially acceptable working conditions, i.a., the following minimum requirements with regard to ecological production processes:

Compliance with the stipulated limit values (waste water, emissions waste air, waste, etc.)

Use of production technologies according to the current status of technology

Efficient use of resources

Reduction of the CO2 footprint

Implementation of existing environmental management systems for targeted coordination and systematic implementation of all environmental protection measures

A decisive advantage for you: As part of the STeP certification, we also acknowledge proofs and certificates that are already provided, reducing your expense to obtain the certificate.

How much do your textiles pollute the environment when washed?

The new DIN SPEC 4872 is a standardised test method for determining the environmental impact of textiles during washing. We examine for you how many fibres are discharged when your textiles are washed, how well the fibres break down in the waste water and how harmful the fibre residues are for the environment.

Learn More
  • OEKO-TEX® Committed to Solutions

  • Brochure_Sustainability

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