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Your partner for testing & evaluation of medical devices.

Hohenstein is a testing laboratory for medical products accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS).

For more than 30 years, the Medical business unit at Hohenstein has combined interdisciplinary knowledge from the fields of medicine, biomedicine, engineering and chemistry to offer our customers targeted product testing for medical devices and their precursors.

As an accredited testing laboratory and reliable partner, we support companies along the entire value chain in successfully launching their products on the market. We provide you with neutral proof of the efficacy and safety of your product. This is a prerequisite for your medical device to be compliant with the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and thus for you to be allowed to market it in Europe. In providing this evidence, we always enter into dialog with our customers and also support them with individual test setups outside of common test standards.

Our tests form the basis for the evidence you need for your technical documentation. We offer biological, chemical and physical laboratory tests. International clients optimise their products on the basis of our independent tests and assessments.

European Medical Device Regulation, MDR

Effective May 26, 2021 (and following a four year transition period), the Medical Device Regulation has replaced the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) and the Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EEC).

The biggest changes compared to the previous directives:

New reporting and documentation

Lifecycle approach

Speed of liquid absorbtion

Product-specific quality and risk management systems

The MDR applies to medical devices in the European Economic Area. Although it is focused primarily on manufacturers, it also affects users and distributors of medical devices.

Efficacy and safety of medical products

Many of our tests are a prerequisite for the conformity of a medical device ("approval") in the European market.

Our tests are used as a basis for:

technical documentation

risk evaluations and

clinical assessments

We also provide customized testing outside of common standards. Different requirements may be necessary for other countries outside the EEA.

Our services

Your medical device must not pose any avoidable risks to patients, users or third parties when used properly. You as the manufacturer or your authorised representative are responsible for this.

Medical devices must therefore meet product-specific performance requirements and be tested for biocompatibility. This applies both to new approvals and to changes to products on the market.

  • Biocompatibility

    The basis for the biological assessment of medical devices is the DIN EN ISO 10993 series of standards. DIN EN ISO 10993-1 specifies which endpoints you must consider in the biological risk assessment of your product.

    The biological assessment of gas pathways in medical devices is a special case. The mere application of DIN EN ISO 10993-1 can lead to tests of dubious benefit and the failure to recognise potential hazards. For this reason, the DIN EN ISO 18562 series of standards offers an alternative for the biological assessment of gas pathways of a medical device and its parts or accessories intended for ventilation or the supply of substances via the respiratory tract of a patient.

    Hohenstein tests non-animal according to recognised in vitro methods.

    Chemical characterisation according to DIN EN ISO 10993-18
    In the chemical characterisation of materials for medical devices, components are recorded that can be released from the product. The chemical substances are determined by means of GC/MS. The test provides data for the biological assessment and the evaluation of the toxicological hazard potential within the framework of risk management.

    Cytotoxicity according to DIN EN ISO 10993-5
    The cell culture test uses skin cells to detect cell-damaging substances (cytotoxins) that can be released from the sample material. The test thus allows the assessment of a hazard potential for cell damage. This is recorded as a sum parameter.

    Cytotoxicity for elastane-containing products (e.g. compression stockings) in conjunction with Wiegand, C. et al. (2017) *.
    * Optimized protocol for the biocompatibility testing of compression stockings and similar products with close skin contact in vitro. The journal of the textile institute, Vol. 109, No. 7, 891-902.

    Test for irritation / mucosal damage
    The HET-CAM according to DB-ALM Method Summary n° 96 is a recognised alternative to the animal test on the rabbit eye (Draize test), which is required according to DIN EN 10993-10. In the HET-CAM, coagulation, haemorrhage and lysis of blood vessels are determined on the chorionallantoic membrane of chicken eggs and three degrees of irritation are recorded as a result (no to mild / moderate / severe irritation).

    In chemico test for sensitisation by a molecular event in the form of a covalent protein binding according to DIN EN ISO 10993-10, Annex C
    The DPRA is a method in which the reactivity of a product extract is quantitatively determined by the depletion of synthetic cysteine- or lysine-containing peptides. The percentage depletion values are calculated and a prediction model is used to classify the product as sensitising or non-sensitising to the skin.

    In vitro test for sensitisation by activation of epidermal keratinocytes according to DIN EN ISO 10993-10, Annex C
    The skin sensitisation is evaluated by measuring the basal release of IL-18 after application of a product extract to the air-liquid interface of the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) (test can be combined with the test for skin irritation according to DIN EN ISO 10993-23)

    In vitro test for sensitisation by activation of epidermal dendritic cells according to DIN EN ISO 10993-10, Annex C
    In the U-SENS test, the changes in the expression of the cell surface marker CD86 on U937 cells are quantitatively determined using flow cytometry. The reaction of the human immune cells to the sample extract allows the assessment of an allergenic hazard potential of the examined sample.

    Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications
    o DIN EN ISO 18562-1 Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
    o DIN EN ISO 18562-2 Tests for emissions of particulate matter
    o DIN EN ISO 18562-3 Tests for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
    o DIN EN ISO 18562-4 Tests for leachables in condensates

    Further tests on request
    Please also contact us on the subject of biocompatible coatings for medical devices. With our innovative test set-ups, we collect valuable preclinical data on this topic.

Disinfectant testing
  • Disinfectant testing

    Disinfectants are subject to complex regulation. EN 14885 specifies test methods and approval requirements for assessing efficacy. The overview standard regulates the use of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics in the fields of human and veterinary medicine as well as products of the food and other industries, for household or public facilities.
    European authorities require for the approval of disinfectants and antiseptics that an independent testing institute confirms the efficacy of the product. Whether bactericidal, levurocidal, fungicidal, mycobactericidal, tuberculocidal or virucidal - the efficacy of your product must be proven both in the quantitative suspension test (phase 2/stage 1) and in the practical germ carrier test (phase 2/stage 2).

    We offer normative tests to validate product claims for surface disinfection, instrument disinfection and textile disinfection:

    VAH method 8 (phase 1)

    VAH method 9 (phase 2/stage 1)

    DIN EN 13727Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative suspension test for the determination of bactericidal activity in the field of human medicine - Test method and requirements (Phase 2, Step 1)

    DIN EN 13624 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative suspension test for the determination of fungicidal or levurocidal activity in the field of human medicine - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)

    DIN EN 14348 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative suspension test for the determination of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in the medical area including instrument disinfectants - Test method and requirements (Phase 2, Step 1)

    DIN EN 17387 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative test for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants in the medical area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

    DIN EN 16615 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative test method for the determination of bactericidal and levurocidal activity on non-porous surfaces with mechanical action using wipes in the field of human medicine (4-field test) - Test method and requirements (phase 2, stage 2)

    DIN EN 14561 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative bactericidal activity test for instruments used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

    DIN EN 14562 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative carrier test for testing fungicidal or levurocidal activity for instruments used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

    DIN EN 14563 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Quantitative carrier test for testing the mycobactericidal or tuberculocidal activity of chemical disinfectants for instruments used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

    DIN EN 16616 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics -
    Chemo-thermal laundry disinfection - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

    Testing of the virucidal efficacy of disinfectants in chemo-thermal laundry disinfection (practical test) -
    In-house method with surrogate virus MS2 according to SOP-QM-11.HY.03.055 & SOP-QM-11.HY.03.056 in conjunction with VAH method 17 (phase 2/stage 2)

Medical compression stockings
  • Efficacy / function of medical compression stockings

    We test and evaluate medical compression textiles for you:

    Compression effect of hosiery according to RAL-GZ 387/1

    Compression effect of armsleeves according to RAL-GZ 387/2

    Compression effect of hosiery systems for the treatment of ulcus cruris according to RAL-GZ 387/3

Surgical clothing
  • Surgical clothing

    Particularly high demands are placed on surgical textiles. The transmission of infectious agents between hospital staff and patients during surgical and other invasive procedures should be minimised as far as possible. By fulfilling basic requirements, the textiles contribute to the general safety of patients.

    Hohenstein tests your products for compliance with the performance requirements of single-use and reusable surgical drapes and gowns for use as medical devices according to the specifications of the European standard 13795-1:2019 or clean-air garments according to DIN EN 13795-2.

    Biological tests

    Resistance to germ penetration in moist condition according to DIN EN ISO 22610

    Resistance to germ penetration in dry condition according to DIN EN ISO 22612

    Evaluation of cleanliness microbial/bioburden and of biocompatibility (EN ISO 11737-1)

    Physical tests

    Particle release in dry condition (linting) according to DIN EN ISO 9073-10

    Resistance to liquid penetration according to EN ISO 811

    Bursting strength in in dry and wet state according to EN ISO 13938-2*

    Tensile strength in dry and wet state according to EN ISO29073-3

    * Deviating from the requirement standard DIN EN 13795-1, the burst strength is not carried out according to EN ISO 13938-1, but according to EN ISO 13938-2. EN ISO 13938-1 section 1 indicates that there is no significant difference in the bursting strength results achieved using tests according to EN ISO 13938-1 (hydraulic method) and EN ISO 13938-2 (pneumatic method) for pressures up to 800 kPa.

Medical face masks
  • Medical face masks

    The primary use of medical face masks is to keep infectious agents away from the patient and, in some circumstances, to additionally protect the wearer from splashes of potentially contaminated fluids. Medical face masks may also be intended to be worn by patients and others to reduce the risk of spreading infections, especially in epidemic or pandemic situations.

    Efficiency / function of medical face masks according to DIN EN 14683

    According to the European requirements standard EN 14683, medical face masks are classified into two types (Type I and Type II) based on bacterial filtration performance, with Type II being further subdivided according to whether or not the mask is liquid resistant. The "R" stands for splash resistance.

    Tests for Type I / Type II:

    Bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) according to DIN EN 14683 Annex B.

    Determination of breathability (pressure difference)

    according to DIN EN 14683 Annex C

    Microbiological purity (germ load) according to EN ISO 11737-1

    Additional test for type IIR:

    Penetration of synthetic blood according to ISO 22609

Surface analysis (SEM/EDX)
  • Surface analysis by means of SEM/EDX

    Our offer

    Surface condition/condition assessment in new condition and after use/reprocessing by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Homogeneity and removal of coatings

    Material determination by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)

    Damage analysis

    Recognition of markings and inscriptions (e.g. UDI - Unique Device Identification)

Ageing and shelf life
  • Ageing and shelf life

    For medical devices, a shelf life must be specified after which the functionality and safety of the product can still be guaranteed. For this purpose, the product's requirement parameters are checked on aged samples or samples stored for the shelf life.

    Since no experience or test values for batches stored in real time are yet available for new or modified products, accelerated aging is used to simulate real time aging for the shelf life of the medical devices. In an accelerated aging test for medical devices per ASTM F1980 (Standard Guide for Accelerated Aging of Packaging for Sterile Medical Devices), packages are stored at an elevated temperature. For example, a storage period of 2 years can be reduced to a few weeks.

    We offer

    Accelerated ageing due to storage in the climatic chamber

    Real-time storage under standard conditions

    We would be pleased to check the function and biocompatibility of your medical device comparatively in new condition and after aging. We would be happy to work with you to create an individual test plan for your product.

    Example medical face masks

    Hohenstein offers testing of product requirements for medical masks in new condition as well as after accelerated ageing and real-time storage. For accelerated ageing, the masks are stored at 55 °C in a constant climate chamber, which shortens testing of aged masks - depending on the manufacturer's information on storage temperature and shelf life - to approx. 8 - 12 weeks.

    Regular sampling of test samples, screening tests on the requirement parameters and photo documentation allow the influence of storage/ageing of the material on product safety and life to be estimated during the course and at the end of simulated ageing. This serves to collect rapid experimental data on the product's durability and supports quality assurance until real-time durability data is available (e.g. after 2 years of storage).

Individual tests
  • Individual tests

    Some examples from our portfolio

    Hygiene monitoring /microbiological environmental testing, e.g. in the production environment

    Population of microorganisms (bioburden) according to DIN EN ISO 11737-1

    Analysis of endotoxins using the LAL test according to Ph. Eur. 2.6.14, ANSI/AAMI ST72 and DIN EN ISO 11737-3

    Standard Test Method for Microbial Ranking of Porous Packaging Materials (Exposure Chamber Method) according to ASTM F 1608

    Microclimate / physiological function of orthoses and bandages according to AiF 11283

    Function of foot bandages according to DIN SPEC 13257*

    Wearing tests / mechanical irritation on human skin

    Wash-out / residues of biological components (e.g. coatings, active substances) by means of radioactive labelling and LSC

    Antimicrobial efficacy according to DIN EN ISO 20743 / ISO 22196, antiviral activity according to test principle of ISO 18184 / ISO 21702

    Reprocessing in standardised washing procedures according to DIN EN ISO 6330 (household laundry) and DIN EN ISO 15797 (industrial laundry) or individually according to manufacturer's specifications

    Is your product or your question not listed here? Simply contact us. We are also happy to develop individual test set-ups for testing your product.

    *DIN SPEC 13257

    The new DIN SPEC 13257 specifies requirements for foot dressings in medical foot treatment for single use and defines corresponding test procedures for their compliance in a 16-page paper. The DIN SPEC was developed in workshops according to the so-called PAS method by the company Pedilay Care GmbH. To achieve this, the young company brought Hohenstein on board as textile experts. The product standard is used in both the medical and nursing context of the health care system.

Additional health-related offers
  • Additional health-related offers

    Additional health-related offers

    In addition to the assessment of medical devices in accordance with the requirements of the Medical Devices Regulation, we also offer other health-related services. These include, for example, tests for harmful substances in textiles and leather articles, proof of the UV protection effect of clothing and shading textiles as well as tests for compliance with hygienic requirements for textiles and surfaces.

    Applied hygiene

    Whether it is general occupational hygiene, hygiene management, drinking water analyses or the investigation of the antimicrobial effectiveness - hygiene inspections by Hohenstein are a matter of cleanliness. In addition, we also officially monitor the hygiene in laundry operations of the German Certification Association for Professional Textile Services.

    Textile UV protection

    Hohenstein tests garments and shading textiles for their UV protection factor, based on international standards such as UV STANDARD 801, the Australian-New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 4399), the European Standard (DIN EN 13758-1) or the American Standard (AATCC TM 183).

    Testing for harmful substances

    Hohenstein tests textiles and leather products for harmful substances to ensure legal compliance and observance of international standards such as STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® or other, customer-specific restricted substances lists (RSL).

  • Factsheet_Cytotoxicity

  • Factsheet_Sensitization

  • Factsheet_Biocompatibility

  • Factsheet_Biocomp Medical Devices

  • Factsheet_Surgical Textiles

  • Factsheet_HET CAM

  • Factsheet_Skin Irritation

  • Factsheet_Chemical Characterisation

  • Factsheet_Medical Compression Textiles

  • Factsheet_Efficacy Testing of Disinfectants

  • Factsheet_Medical Face Masks

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