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Tracking down textile microplastics.

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Determination of fibre release during textile care and in waste water

Up to 500,000 tonnes of microplastic fibres enter the world's oceans every year. During the production of textiles as well as through use and washing, fibre fragments are released from synthetic textiles. If these are not effectively removed by downstream cleaning processes, they enter rivers, inland waters and oceans via wastewater.

Measure – Understand – Reduce

We support you in making the textile input into the environment measurable, understanding it and reducing it in a targeted manner. Our services for you:

DIN SPEC 4872: This is how we measure the impact of textiles when they are washed.

Hohenstein Test methods: This is how we de­ter­mine the fibre con­tent in pro­cess and waste wa­ter.


The new DIN SPEC 4872 is a standardised test method for determining and classifying the environmental impact of textiles during washing. The test method examines how many fibres are discharged when textiles are washed, how well these fibres degrade in wastewater and how harmful the fibre residues are to the environment.

Once the test has been completed, we assign a classification code as a result, which reflects the degree of fibre discharge, the biodegradation rate and the ecotoxicological potential of the textile product under investigation.

We perform these tests for you:

Fibre discharge

With the help of a suitable analysis system (DIA), textiles are classified in terms of fibre release during the washing process.


With regard to environmental impact, the biodegradability of fibres in wastewater plays a key role. The degree of degradation of the fibres is determined after a defined period of time in the wastewater according to DIN EN ISO 14851.


The ecotoxicological potential of the fibre residues is analysed according to DIN EN ISO 20079 using a particularly sensitive model organism for higher aquatic plants, the duckweed.

Your benefit as a customer

Objective measurement of fibre discharge during washing, biodegradability and the ecotoxicological potential of fibre residues

Competent and independent evaluation, comparison and improvement of your sales articles

Determination of the environmental benefits and risks of your products

The aim of our assessment is to provide you with reliable data for an optimisation of your product portfolio and a more targeted product development, which allows you to actively and consciously control or avoid environmental pollution.

Our test methods

With our analytical methods, we determine the fibre release behaviour from textile surfaces and the fibre content in process and waste water for you.

Quantification of fibre release and fibre length distribution with the Hohenstein method: Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA)

Gravimetric measurement of total abrasion by filtration according to the University of Leeds / Microfiber Consortium (UoL/TMC) method or AATCC TM212

Don't miss this advantages.

Analyses of textiles and waste water (various sample types from a single source)

Determination of amount, type and shape of released fibres by Hohenstein method DIA

Objective measurement of fibre release

Quality control of waste water, optimisation potential of existing processes and processing steps

Hohenstein is driving textile sustainability forward with intensive research

Active involvement in research and standardisation committees

When considering the environmental impact of textiles, there is no way around microplastics. Hohenstein has been at the forefront of this research since 2016. Benefit from our active involvement in research and standardisation committees.

Test kit for textile microfibre shedding

In cooperation with Under Armour testing provider Hohenstein is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development.

Our video instructions explain how companies can use the kit.
  • Brochure_Sustainability

  • Factsheet_Microplastic Analysis

  • Factsheet_DIN SPEC 4872

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