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We check how absorbent and leak-proof your underwear is.

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Safely and sustainably regulated reusable period underwear

Reusable period underwear not only marks a new trend, but can also be a sensible and sustainable alternative or addition to conventional hygiene items. However, just by looking at them and feeling them, it is impossible to determine which ones are absorbent, leak-proof and comfortable to wear.

In cooperation with the textile producer Femtech/MAS we have developed a test method (FEMTECHMAS-HOHENSTEIN-6513-2022:01) that covers essential requirements for reusable period underwear. Reusable period underwear not only marks a new trend, but can also be a sensible and sustainable alternative or supplement to conventional hygiene articles for girls and women.

With our test method we check:

Fluid absorption capacity

Retention capacity of the absorbed liquid

Speed of liquid absorbtion

Optional: durability or service life

In addition, the following aspects can be tested:

Antimicrobial efficacy against relevant test germs (e.g. bacteria, yeasts)

Biocompatibility (cytotoxicity, sensitisation and irritation)

Olfactometric comparative study on odour management

Additional tests such as use simulation (frequent washing), removability of stains and other tests commonly performed on textiles can be carried out on request.

Whether for bladder weakness or heavy periods. Your customers can safely rely on products that have been awarded the Hohenstein quality label.

Your benefits

Credible communication with end consumers

Highlighting the quality of your products at the point of sale with the Hohenstein "Tested Quality" quality label

Advantage over your competition

  • Factsheet_Period Underwear

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