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Independent proof of product performance.

Our Hohenstein Quality Label enjoys a high level of credibility among retailers and with the consumer, and a high recognition value at the point of sale. A Hohenstein Quality Label is a quick and easy way to let consumers know that their product has the product characteristics and features that we accredit. We issue the label for products that meet our specific requirements for the stipulated characteristics. All the testing is conducted in our accredited test laboratories. The basis for the certification is formed by our decades of experience and broad scope of knowledge, which allow us to neutrally evaluate the test results.

Our Hohenstein Quality Labels at a glance

You can learn more about our individual labels and view the award criteria here

Biologically effective
  • Antibacterial

    The various test methods are used to investigate the antibacterial effectiveness of the test specimen against bacteria.

    Test criteria

    The tests are carried out in accordance with recognised standards for which accreditation has been obtained from the DAkkS using the test germs specified therein.

    Test germs

    Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli

    Further test germs on request

    Testing standards

    The test sample is tested by the Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the standards listed as below for which there is accreditation from DAkkS:

    Antibacterial according to ASTM E 2149

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the American test standard ASTM E 2149 "Standard Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions", for which accreditation has been granted by the DAkkS. The quality label confirms that the test specimen has an antibacterial activity against the bacterial test strain Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and further Gram-positive test bacteria (usually Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538), which is not required by the standard. The antibacterial activity of the test sample must show at least a germ reduction of 2 lg steps (= 99 %) for both test strains compared to a control material. The quality label is based on test reports with detailed results.

    Antibacterial according to DIN EN ISO 20743

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the standard DIN EN ISO 20743 "Textiles - Determination of antibacterial activity of textile products", for which accreditation from the DAkkS is available. The quality label is used to confirm that the test sample has antibacterial activity against the bacterial test strains Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 4352. The antibacterial activity of the test sample must show at least a germ reduction of 2 lg steps (= 99 %) for both test strains compared to a control material. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    Antibacterial according to ISO 22196

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the ISO 22196 standard "Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces", for which accreditation from the DAkkS is available. The quality label is used to confirm that the test sample has antibacterial activity against the bacterial test strains Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739. The antibacterial activity of the test sample must show at least a germ reduction of 2 lg steps (= 99 %) for both test strains compared to a control material. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    Antibacterial & skin flora neutra

    A prerequisite for the award of the label is passing the test for antibacterial efficacy according to DIN EN ISO 20743, followed by a practice-oriented test examining the influence of the antibacterial textile on human skin microflora. The test is based on a standardised artificial model of human skin, in which germ colonisation, topography and skin properties (milieu) of a healthy skin are simulated. The model uses bacterial species of the endogenous microflora of human epidermis: Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 14990 and Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698. The effect of the test material on these test strains is quantitatively analysed in a wear simulation on the artificial skin over a contact period of 18 hours and evaluated compared to a control material without antimicrobial activity. If no significant reduction of test strains occurs within this wearing/exposure period (reduction of germs <1 lg step compared to the control material), the textile is considered "safe" with regard to effects on the human skin flora. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    In addition, further tests are offered according to international standards.

  • Antimicrobial

    Various test methods are used to investigate the antimicrobial effectiveness of the test specimen against bacteria, moulds, yeasts or viruses.

    Test Criteria

    The term "antimicrobial" is used if the activity against bacteria (cf. "antibacterial") has been successfully tested and additionally also at least one of the two efficacy categories: mould fungi ("antimycotic") and/or surrogate viruses. The quality label is based on test reports with detailed results.

    Antimycotic according to DIN EN 14119:

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the standard DIN EN 14119 "Testing of Textiles - Evaluation of the action of microfungi; method B2", for which accreditation from the DAkkS is available. The quality label is used to confirm that the test sample has an antimycotic activity against the test strains Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275 and Chaetomium globosum ATCC 6205 in the given test procedure of the standard test. The inhibition of fungal growth must be ≥50 % for both test strains compared to a control material.

    Antimycotic according to DIN EN ISO 846:

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in accordance with the standard DIN EN ISO 846 "Plastics - Evaluation of the action of microorganisms; method B", for which accreditation from the DAkkS is available. The quality label is used to confirm that the test sample has an antimycotic activity against the test strains Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275, Penicillium pinophilum ATCC 36839, Paecilomyces variotii ATCC 18502, Trichoderma virens ATCC 9645 and Chaetomium globosum ATCC 6205 in the given test procedure of the standard test. The inhibition of fungal growth against the test strains must be ≥50 % compared to a control material.

    Test with surrogate viruses:

    The test sample is tested by Hohenstein Laboratories in a suspension test developed by Hohenstein (SOP-QM-11.HY.03.054 test method based on ISO 18184 or SOP-QM-11.HY.03 .057 test method based on ISO 21702) with the non-enveloped test virus bacteriophage MS 2 (ATCC 15597-B1) and the enveloped test virus Pseudomonas phage phi6 (DSM 21518) and a contact time of 2 or 24 hours (according to the specifications of ISO 18184 or ISO 21702). The antiviral activity of the test sample must be ≥ 3 log levels (≥ 99.9%).

    The Hohenstein Laboratories are accredited by the DAkkS for all the above-mentioned tests.

  • Dust and Dust Mite Barrier

    The test verifies the impermeability of bedding and encasings to allergenic mite excrements.

    Test criteria

    Allergen-proof bedding can protect house dust mite allergy sufferers from mite allergens and relieve symptoms.
    The impermeability of bedding or encasings to mite faeces allergens is tested using a specially developed load test device. For this purpose, the test samples are exposed to a defined amount of mite faeces allergen and a load is simulated by pressure and friction. The amount of mite faeces allergen that was able to pass through the test sample is then determined by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The test set-up provides information on the impermeability of the test sample and thus on the suitability of the product for house dust allergy sufferers.
    With a defined reduction of the mite faeces allergen content both through the textile surface, as well as through the seam and the zipper, the product can be certified, and the final product can be awarded the quality label " Dust and dust mite barrier ".

  • Anti-Dust-Mite

    This Label is awarded for products that are highly effective at preventing the development of mite populations.

    Test criteria

    This long-term test evaluates the acaricidal efficacy (mite killing effect) of finishings on the development of a house dust mite population.

    The acaricidal efficacy of a textile sample and the finish against house dust mites is performed following the French standard NF G39-011. For that purpose, house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) are applied on the sample material and the controls. After one week and six weeks the growth of the mite population is quantified.

    In the case of three-dimensional test specimens, which do not allow a counting of the mites due to their construction, the allergen content (major allergen Der p 1) is determined after ­­6 weeks.

  • Odour Control

    The tests evaluates the performance of textiles and finishing against odours, especially sweat odour.

    Test criteria

    Several tests can be used depending on the product specification.

    Antibacterial textiles

    Efficacy against sweat odour producing bacteria test:
    Based on the standard test method DIN EN ISO 20743 the antibacterial activity is determined against the skin-specific microbes Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium after 18 h of incubation.

    Products that optimize odour release and retention

    Release of sweat odour: A special sweat odour simulate (“artificial sweat”) is applied on the sample. The sweat odour intensity is assessed by trained odour panellists according to VDI 3882.

    Binding capacity for sweat odour molecules: A radioactively labelled lead substance of odourous sweat is quantified on the fabric by means of scintillation measurement.

    Products that optimize odour redution

    Sweat odour field test: Samples are worn by a group of test persons in an application-specific activity (e.g. sports, work). Sweat odour intensity is then evaluated by trained panellists using an olfactometric sampling unit. The field test can thus prove an anti-sweat-odour effect from the consumer’s point of view.

Biologically safe
  • Medically tested

    Test criteria

    With test procedures based on the DIN EN ISO 10993 series of standards, whose tests are mandatory for medical products, textiles in the healthcare sector or products for sensitive target groups (e.g. allergy sufferers) can also be tested for their particularly good compatibility.
    The test to exclude cell damage serves as the basis for the "medically tested" quality label. Additional tests can be ordered. All tests are based on test reports with detailed results.

    Cell toxicity

    In a cell culture test, cell-damaging substances that can be released from the sample material when worn are detected with the help of skin cells in relation to their effect. The cytotoxicity test according to DIN EN ISO 10993-5 is the initial step of numerous biocompatibility tests in the DIN EN ISO 10993 series of standards.
    For this test, an extract of the sample material is prepared which cultivated with L 929 skin cells in different concentrations over several days. The vitality of the cells or the potential cell-toxic effect of the test material is quantitatively determined in comparison to control cultures.
    A prerequisite for the award of the label is that the substances released from the test item have no cell-toxic effect. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.


    The cell culture test uses immune cells to detect the allergy potential of substances that may be released from the sample material when worn. The sensitisation test is a general screening test for the detection of an allergenic effect. The technical prerequisite for the sensitisation test is passing the cytotoxicity test. For the test, an extract of the sample material is prepared and incubated with immune cells for 48 hours. Sensitising substances stimulate the cells to form surface markers to which specific fluorescence-labelled antibodies are bound. In the flow cytometer, the percentage of positive cells is determined by the fluorescence intensity.
    A prerequisite for the award of the label is that no sensitisation potential is detected by the sample.
    The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    Skin irritation

    Skin irritation is the property of a substance or material to cause reversible damage and destruction of the tissue after skin contact. In the in vitro test for skin irritation according to DIN EN ISO 10993-23, human three-dimensional skin models are used which, analogous to the human epidermis, are composed of different cell layers.
    The samples / extracts are applied to the surface of the skin models and incubated overnight. Subsequently, the models are washed. The vitality of the applied skin cells is quantitatively determined in comparison to control cultures and allows an assessment of the irritant potential of the sample.
    A prerequisite for the award of the label is that the sample is assessed as non-irritating, i.e. it has a vitality of > 50 % compared to the negative control. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    Mucuous irritation

    The irritating effect of materials is quantitatively determined on the basis of membrane changes on the mucous membrane of a chicken egg. The test thus allows the assessment of a hazard potential for skin irritation. The HET-CAM according to DB-ALM Method Summary n° 96 is a recognised alternative to the animal test on the rabbit eye (Draize test).
    For the test, an extract of the sample material is prepared and placed on the chorionallantoic membrane (CAM) of incubated chicken eggs for a few minutes. Certain textiles or creams/ointments/solutions can be applied directly to the CAM. The strength of three different types of reaction of the CAM (coagulation, haemorrhage and lysis of blood vessels) is determined according to the endpoint method.
    A prerequisite for the award of the label is that no highly irritating substances are released from the test material (test result: not to slightly irritating, score ≤ 10). The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.

    Test for harmful substances according to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100

    Proof by presentation of a valid STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificate or commissioning of the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificate.

  • Biodegradable

    This label is awarded for products whose residues are classified as ecotoxicological safe in the test assessment.

    Test criteria

    We assess the mass degradation in % of the test sample after a defined period of time as well as the ecotoxicological safety.

    Criteria for awarding the label

    Confirmed degradation of at least 90 % (mass loss) after 12 months

    Passing of the ecotoxicity tests

    Valid only for the tested quality (construction/weight/colour)

  • Tested for harmful substances

    Test criteria

    The testing of each component for harmful substances ensures legal conformity and protection of the consumer. The criteria of the advertised tests for harmful substances go beyond the statutory requirements.
    On the one hand, the examinations include the legal test parameters, such as forbidden azo dyestuffs. On the other hand, substances that are not regulated (e.g. chlorinated benzenes and toluenes) are also analysed in the interests of preventive consumer protection.
    The prerequisite for obtaining the label is an existing certification according to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100.
    The label is only issued as a combined label with several product attributes.(For example: Harmful substances & Workmanship)

Domestic washing machines and detergents
  • Auto­matic 2-phase dosing system

    Test criteria

    Quality label on the basis of the comparable product tests using our in-house methods. Various primary and secondary washing effects (removal of stains, degree of whiteness, greying) while using the automatic dosing system and detergent from the manufacturer are compared with industry-standard market products and manual dosing. The accuracy of the automatic dosing system was also tested.

Compression test
  • Compression

    We measure and confirm the manufacturer's information about the compression and pressure profile.

    Test criteria

    The compression and pressure profile of compression textiles for sports and leisure are measured using the HOSYcan test device according to DIN SPEC 4868.
    In order to ascertain compression of an item, it is clamped into the HOSYcan device and stretched to its given dimensions for girth. Compression and the course of compression are calculated along the entire length of the test sample based on the force values measured when it is stretched to body circumference.
    The pressure values can be assigned to compression categories. Thus it is possible to compare different samples and evaluate them objectively.

  • Fit

    The label indicates an item of clothing that offers a high wear comfort and is visually appealing in all sizes.

    Test criteria

    The fit is tested both in new condition and after washing as described on the care label.

    The assessment is made by experienced clothing engineers using fitting models whose body measurements correspond to those in the "Size Germany" survey.

    If the set of sizes meets all requirements, the product can be endorsed with the Hohenstein Quality Label at the POS.

Sleeping comfort
  • Sleep Comfort & Climate Comfort

    Sleep Comfort

    We test objectively and neutrally the sleeping comfort of duvets and other home textiles and evaluate how your customer feels about sleeping comfort in practical use.

    Test criteria

    Hohenstein has developed a new innovative test method for evaluating sleeping comfort using the sweating, thermal manikin. With this method, the entire duvet construction (material use, cut, quilting, body adaption) can be measured and evaluated by simulating use.
    Using a thermal manikin, the thermal insulation of the duvet is determined, and classified in one of three thermal insulation classes. Then, using a sweating thermal manikin that simulates a sleeping human, the breathability of the duvet is determined and evaluated.
    To determine individual material parameters of the layer construction, e.g. as part of product development, additional tests can be carried out with the Hohenstein skin model according to DIN EN ISO 11092.
    Please note that the sleep comfort label with evaluation system into "sleep comfort grades" is not issued any longer.

    Climate Comfort

    Good moisture and sweat management stands for climate comfort. We test and evaluate optimum comfort of textiles.

    Test criteria

    Based on measurements with the Hohenstein skin model according to DIN EN ISO 11092, the material-specific water vapor resistance which is also referred to as breathability as well as the water vapor absorption and desorption. The measured values are classified using an evaluation system to characterise the thermophysiological properties of the mattress.

    The overall assessment of the values can be rated as ‘very good’, ‘good’ and ‘unsatisfactory’.

  • Thermal Insulation

    To test:

    With our partly self-developed and standardised measuring instruments and methods, such as the Hohenstein Skin Model and the thermal manikins, the effective thermal insulation of the surface material and the clothing is measured using standardised and internationally recognised test methods (ISO 11092 and ISO 15831).
    In addition to the laboratory tests, test persons are also used on a case-by-case basis in the climate chambers of the Hohenstein Laboratories.
    The measured values obtained provide the basis for calculating the so-called area of use of the tested clothing. Depending on the application of the textile, the parameters of the calculations are adjusted. For example, winter clothing for sporting activities is assessed differently than everyday clothing for cold winter days. It must always be taken into account that the sensation of cold and warmth is perceived differently and is strongly dependent on the physical activity of the wearer.

Wear comfort
  • Breathable

    Textiles can do a lot - we are testing whether they also can breathe by using the world’s first skin model from Hohenstein. ("thermo-regulation model") is measured using the Skin Model and is a measure of the transport of (vapourous) sweat through the textile.

    Test criteria

    The measurement is carried out using the Hohenstein Skin Model according to DIN EN ISO 11092. The material specific water vapour resistance of the sample is measured on the surface material. The breathability of different materials can be evaluated both absolutely and comparatively and can be rated as ‘very good’, ‘good’ and ‘unsatisfactory’. Among other things, the measured values can be used to classify textiles for personal protective equipment (PPE) according to various standards.

  • Wear Comfort

    We test and evaluate optimum wear comfort and pleasant skin sensation.

    Test criteria

    The measurements are carried out on the surface material. Heat and moisture transport processes are determined on the Hohenstein Skin Model in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11092. Different degrees of sweating are simulated and corresponding parameters are determined (e.g. breathability, thermal insulation).
    In addition, the skin sensory properties of a textile are quantified using various measured variables. This includes, among other things, whether the textile quickly feels clammy or scratches the skin. These sensations can be represented in figures and can therefore be compared and evaluated in absolute terms.
    With the help of the measured parameters, a Wear Comfort Vote of clothing can be calculated. Depending on the intended use, the parameters and their weightings are adjusted. For example, different formulas are used for sportswear than for everyday clothing. The grade can range betweeen "very good" and "poor".

UV protection
  • UV Protection

    These Standards are used to test the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of textiles and similar materials in the new condition without the occurring strain in real usage.

    Test criteria

    Testing the Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of textiles is done according to the Australian (AS 4399:2020)/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 4399:2017), European Standard (DIN EN 13758-1) and/or the American Standard (AATCC TM 183). Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) allows an evaluation of UV protection provided by textiles with respect to the spectral composition of sunlight and human skin sensitivities.
    For the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 4399:2017), the solar spectrum of Melbourne, Australia is simulated. The European Standard (DIN EN 13758-1) and the American Standard (AATCC TM 183) apply the solar spectrum of Albuquerque, USA, where the solar radiation is similar to that of Southern Europe.
    The Standards listed here describe UV protective properties of textiles when they are new and have not been subjected to use or wearing. Depending on the level of the Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) detected, grades of "Minimum" (UPF 15), "Good" (UPF 30) or "Excellent" (UPF 50, 50+) are classified.

Harmful substances and Workmanship
  • Workmanship

    Test criteria

    During processing, clothing from on-going and completed production is tested on-site by Hohenstein in accordance with the highest quality demands. This includes checking compliance with production specifications as well as processing quality.
    The label is only issued as a combined label with several product attributes.(for example: Harmful substances & Workmanship)

  • Tested Workwear & Corporate Fashion

    Test criteria

    Your label for workwear with particularly high demands regarding product safety and quality. In addition to the intention to protect the wearer from chemical residues in the product, comprehensive quality checks are performed on the product to guarantee long-term durability.
    The test for harmful substances using OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 is a prerequisite for the Hohenstein Quality Label for Workwear basic package. This includes tests for chemicals subject to statutory regulation and other chemicals that are harmful to health. The basic package also tests and evaluates comprehensive quality parameters, such as:

    Colour fastness, e.g. light fastness, perspiration resistance, rubbing fastness and solvent fastness

    Physical properties, e.g. tensile strength, scrubbing resistance or pilling

    Performance properties, e.g. watertightness or air permeability

    Optical properties, e.g. dimensional stability, twisting of seams or the appearance after care treatment

    Our Hohenstein Quality Labels for Workwear allow you to adjust flexible enhancement options according to your needs and requirements, for example by checking and evaluating:



    UV protection

    Rental suitability

  • Tested Pet Supplies

    The label is explicitly designed for textile products for pets and provides consumers with clear product information about product safety, quality and durability.

    Test criteria

    This label identifies high quality textile products for pets, such as blankets, pillows, cat beds, dog clothing or horse blankets. It provides pet owners with clear product information on the product safety, quality and durability of products for their pets and offers protection against residues of toxic substances.

    Required standard tests:

    Textile technology tests(construction/workmanship), dimensional change, light and rub fastness)

    Labeling compliance with the EU Product Safety Act

    Testing for harmful substances* according to EU legal requirements

    *The safety from harmful substances requirement can be fulfilled by presenting or earning a valid STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificate.

    Flexible extensions for additional performance claims:

    Chewing resistance

    Scratch resistancet


    Outdoor suitability

    UV protection

    Absorption capacity


    Antibacterial effectiveness

    Animal hair resistance

    Water repellency

    Air permeability

    *The safety from harmful substances requirement can be fulfilled by presenting or earning a valid STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificate.

  • Tested Period Underwear

    The label distinguishes absorbent and leak-proof underwear - for safety and comfort every day.

    Test criteria

    The following tests are carried out for the award of the label:

    Absorbency according to FEMTECHMAS-6513-1:2022
    The test method, developed in cooperation with the textile manufacturer Femtech/MAS, includes essential requirements for reusable period underwear. The test method specifies, among other things, the maximum absorption capacity before leakage for reusable absorbent underwear suitable for all types of body fluids, for example menstruation and urinary incontinence.

    (Strongly recommended when labelling your product)

  • Hohenstein Performance Index

    Test criteria

    The product performance of clothing, especially sports and outdoor textiles, can be tested and classified using the test methods of the DIN CEN/TR 16422 standard. The underlying tests are ideally suited for characterizing the thermoregulatory properties of clothing layers depending on the application.
    Since it is not possible to combine all properties in a single garment, a clothing system consisting of several layers is often recommended for sports and outdoor textiles.

    What are clothing layers?

    Base Layer

    The lower layer of clothing, commonly referred to as the "second skin" - is worn directly on the skin and should effectively absorb and wick away sweat.

    Mid Layer

    The mid layer of clothing provides most of the insulation by trapping and storing warm air.

    Outer shell layer

    The outer layer of clothing protects the wearer from external environmental factors, such as wind or rain.

    What does the Hohenstein Performance Index evaluate?

    The Hohenstein Performance Index evaluates the following basic functions of outdoor clothing, which determine the wearing comfort as well as the thermoregulatory properties of textile products.

    Thermal insulation

    The thermoregulation model of human skin - called skin model for short - is a measuring device that simulates both dry and sweating human skin. The skin model is used to determine material-specific, thermophysiological parameters of textiles as a surface material according to DIN EN ISO 11092.
    When determining the thermal resistance - thermal insulation for short - the wearing condition is described in which there is a constant flow of heat from the wearer's body to the environment over time. The results provide information about the thermal insulation of the material.
    A prerequisite for the award of the label is that the requirements of the DIN CEN/TR 16422 standard for the thermoregulatory properties of the clothing layer are met. The quality label is based on a test report with detailed results.


    When determining the water vapor transmission resistance - breathability for short - the wearing condition is described in which there is a constant flow of moisture from the wearer's body to the environment over time and moisture is released from the skin, in the form of water vapor. However, similar to thermal insulation, the water vapor transmission resistance of a textile depends on the thickness of the textile. Therefore, the water vapor transmission index puts breathability and thermal insulation in relation to each other, so that a statement can be made about the water vapor transport capacity of the textile, independent of the material thickness.

    Sweat Management

    For the evaluation of product performance, especially of base layer garments (textiles worn close to the skin), sweat management is of great importance. When determining the buffering effect of liquid sweat and sweat transport according to DIN CEN/TR 16422 Annex B, the wearing condition is described in which the wearer sweats so much that liquid sweat occurs. In general, base layer materials should be able to rapidly absorb the sweat produced by the wearer and dissipate it to the environment.

    Air Permeability

    Air permeability is determined in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 9237 standard by clamping a flat material specimen in the test instrument and setting the air flow to a specified differential pressure. The air velocity is the volume of air per unit of time and area that flows through the sample.

    Water repellent properties/Water transmission resistance

    For the evaluation of product performance, especially of base layer garments (textiles worn close to the skin), sweat management is of great importance. When determining the buffering effect of liquid sweat and sweat transport according to DIN CEN/TR 16422 Annex B, the wearing condition is described in which the wearer sweats so much that liquid sweat occurs. In general, base layer materials should be able to rapidly absorb the sweat produced by the wearer and dissipate it to the environment.

    Air Permeability

    Textiles that are labeled waterproof should not allow water to pass through at all. Even after a longer stay in the rain, the wearer should remain completely dry under a waterproof outer shell garment. The hydrostatic pressure test according to DIN EN ISO 20811 tests the resistance of textiles to water penetration.
    Textiles that are water-repellent remain dry on the outside. The fabric does not absorb water. Rain or other liquids bead off the surface. This effect is maintained if the fabric is exposed to rain for a longer period of time, but water can penetrate between the individual fibers under continuous pressure. Even then, water does not penetrate the fiber (the fabric remains dry), but moisture can push past the fibers and into the interior. The water-repellent properties are tested in accordance with DIN EN 29865 using a Bundesmann sprinkling tester.

  • Tested Environmental Impact

    In the standardised test procedure, the environmental impact of washing is determined and classified.

    Test criteria

    The textiles are tested according to DIN SPEC 4872.

    DIN SPEC 4872 is a standardized test method for determining and classifying the environmental impact of textiles during washing. In addition, we check the biodegradability of the fiber abrasion in wastewater (DIN EN ISO 14851) and determine the degree of degradation within a defined period. Finally, an ecotoxicity test (DIN EN ISO 20079:2006-12) is conducted to determine the toxicity of the fiber residues after the biodegradation process.

    Testing standards

    DIN SPEC 4872 was developed based on the following standards:

    DIN EN ISO 14851, Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium - Method by measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer

    DIN EN ISO 20079:2006‑12, Water quality - Determination of the toxic effect of water constituents and waste water on duckweed (Lemna minor) - Duckweed growth inhibition test (ISO 20079:2005); German version EN ISO 20079:2006

    ISO 4915, Textiles - Stitch types - Classification and terminology

    ISO 4916, Textiles - Seam types - Classification and terminology

  • Block-Pattern

    This label communicates to consumers that they will get consistent fit, comfort and visual appeal in all sizes - guaranteed by a verified block-pattern.

    Test criteria

    The measurements of the test samples are tested to ensure compliance with the measurements table.

    The finished product is tested to ensure it complies with the verified block-pattern that was developed together with the manufacturer and the corresponding grading in all sizes. The verified block-pattern is plotted out in the relevant size and applied to the test sample.

    The material used and processing applied are checked to ensure they are suitable for the verified block-pattern. The test samples are fitted on test subjects in the relevant sizes to verify that they have the appropriate comfort and mobility for the area of use of the clothing.

  • Tested community masks

    The Quality Label identifies masks which are suitable for private use. These are not medical products nor personal protective equipment.

    Test criteria

    The basic package includes the following quality parameters and functional tests:

    Breathing comfort

    Washability incl. colour-fastness

    Fit: visual characteristics

    Statutory requirements

    Flexible expansion of the quality label, by testing for:

    Testing for harmful substances according to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100*

    Cytotoxicity (Exclusion of cell damage) based on the testing of medical devices

    *Provision of a valid OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certificate or application for an OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certificate. Please note: For disposable masks the test program may differ.
    Please contact us.

  • Factsheet_Antimicrobial Activity

  • Factsheet_Dust Mite Barrier

  • Factsheet_Anti Mite

  • Factsheet_Cytotoxicity

  • Factsheet_Sensitization

  • Factsheet_Biocompatibility

  • Factsheet_HET CAM

  • Factsheet_Breathablity

  • Factsheet_Wear Comfort

  • Factsheet_Sleep Comfort

  • Factsheet_Climate Comfort

  • Factsheet_Textiles UV Protection

  • Flyer_Perfect Compression

  • Factsheet_Compression for SportTextiles

  • Factsheet_Compression Textiles

  • Factsheet_Medical Compression Textiles

  • Factsheet_Odor Management

  • Factsheet_Testing for Harmful Substances

  • Factsheet_Pet Supplies

  • Factsheet_Biodegradation

  • Factsheet_Hohenstein Quality Label Fit

  • Factsheet_Verified Block Pattern

  • Factsheet_Community Masks

  • Factsheet_Community Masks CWA17553

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