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An independent certification for textile chemicals, dyes and accessories.
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OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT is an independent and standardized testing and certification system for chemicals, colourants and accessories used to manufacture textiles. A three-stage verification process analyzes whether the chemical products and each individual ingredient meet specific requirements with regard to sustainability, safety and compliance with statutory regulations.

Term of validity

An ECO PASSPORT certificate is valid for one year (twelve months). By signing the declaration of conformity, the applicant agrees to authorize the OEKO-TEX® Association to perform control tests on its certified products during the period that the certificate is valid. You can apply to renew the certificate three months before it expires at the earliest.

Criteria / Requirements

ECO PASSPORT certification combines requirements for harmful substances from all other OEKO-TEX® services (e.g. STANDARD 100 RSL and STeP MRSL) with statutory requirements. The ECO PASSPORT RSL is updated annually, based on newest scientific findings, legal requirements and market developments.

Target group

Any manufacturer of textile or leather chemicals can apply for an ECO PASSPORT certificate. ECO PASSPORT is suitable for all chemical products (chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries) - and their formulations - that are used in the textile, leather, apparel, footwear, home textiles or similar sectors.

Wholesalers and resellers of chemicals can also apply for an ECO PASSPORT certificate in their own name for products already covered by the chemical manufacturer's certificate if no additional changes to the composition have been made.

If no manufacturer's certificate is available, it is possible for distributors and retailers to apply for a limited certification. This temporary certification may only be renewed once for a maximum certificate validity of two years total. (Annual certificate renewal for chemical manufacturers is not limited.)

Stages of application

ECO PASSPORT certification involves a multi-stage procedure to assess whether each individual substance in a chemical product is not harmful to human health and that it meets statutory requirements. The first two stages are mandatory to receive a certificate. Stage three is currently optional.

CAS Number Screening:
During the CAS number screening, we compare the product components declared by the applicant against the list of harmful chemicals for the ECO PASSPORT (RSL/MRSL) and SVHC Candidate List from REACH.

Analytical Testing:
Analytical verification in our labs ensures that the certified chemicals can be used in the sustainable production of textiles and leather articles that are safe for human ecology.

Self-Assessment & On-Site Visit (optional):
An on-site audit (optional) verifies the data submitted by the manufacturer as part of a self-assessment (mandatory) at facility level. Applicants must have systems in place for environmental management, health and safety, quality management and social responsibility.

ZDHC conformance

Completion of the CAS number screening and the analytical verification leads to ZDHC Conformance Level 1.

Together with the mandatory self-assessment, the on-site audit qualifies for ZDHC compliance level 2. If requirements regarding chemical hazard assessment capability are also met, level 3 is also possible. ECO PASSPORT vs. ZDHC Chemicals to Zero Progress

Certification process

The applicant completes the application form and submits data on the chemicals used.

Self assessment
The applicant submits data about the existing manufacturing conditions in form of a self-assessment questionnaire.

RSL / MRSL check
We carry out a CAS number comparison of the indicated substances.

Analytical verification
We analyse the chemicals in our labs.

On-site visit (optional)
We carry out a company visit to check the applicant's provided data on facility level.

Issue of certificate
We issue all relevant reports and the ECO PASSPORT certificate for you.

Specific benefits

●  Certification by a third party ensures that confidential product data is protected on the one hand, while also providing the transparency that the market demands with regard to ingredients on the other.

●  The ECO PASSPORT certificate also ensures ZDHC (Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals) conformity (level 1 to 3) and that legal requirements are met.

●  The breakdown into a multiple-stage system means that any improvements required can be carried out after each stage, therefore avoiding unnecessary analysis costs.

●  ECO PASSPORT certification assists you in choosing chemicals that are safe for human ecology and environmentally friendly. Even before the chemicals are introduced to the production process, you have reliable control over the substances used when procuring them.

●  The ECO PASSPORT integrates seamlessly into the modular STANDARD 100 system and is perfectly aligned with STeP by OEKO-TEX® certification of environmentally friendly production facilities.

Q & A

  • Is there any link to existing OEKO-TEX® certification systems?

    The ECO PASSPORT is perfectly aligned with the existing OEKO-TEX® certification systems. Chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries that are certified in accordance with  OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT are also recognized by the STANDARD 100, for the MADE IN GREEN label and as part of STeP certification.

  • OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT_Standard_2024

  • OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT_Application_2024



  • OEKO-TEX® Committed to Solutions

  • OEKO-TEX® Labelling_Guide_2023

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